Eeman came here (again) with her husband & her ex-boss to explore some islands in Sabah include Pulau 3, Pulau Sapi ...waaahhhh aku anak jati Sabah pun blm lagi explore pulau2 sini tau. some day maybe. (they were really the true adventurers! hehe)
on her last trip in KK, we met on 22 January 2011 & as promised b4, we love to taking photos in Jesselton Point. thank God her husband is a photographer in KualaLumpur, so that's means .... aku pun enjoy photographing! yohaaa!
on her last trip in KK, we met on 22 January 2011 & as promised b4, we love to taking photos in Jesselton Point. thank God her husband is a photographer in KualaLumpur, so that's means .... aku pun enjoy photographing! yohaaa!

Eeman mmg giler

sweet hubby wifey

apapun semua mmg sporting habiss! hahaha mmg best gila jumpa dorang ni!
Eeman will come here again in April.... =)